Sunday, November 13, 2011

...for the shortest queue...

i'm british. we love to queue.

if no queue exists, you can count on two brits 
to get together and form one.

it is not, regrettably, quite the same art-form it used to be.
 one rarely sees queue-rs / queuesters / queuees camping out overnight in order to gain entry to anything
 (unless it is an apple store, and that doesn't count
 because it's driven by pointless consumerism).

apparently other nationalities queue too.
 out of necessity though, rather than for pleasure.

the diane arbus retrospective, currently showing at the jeu de paume in paris, has had heart-sinkingly lengthy queues, as has london's national gallery's leonardo at the court of milan show.

regrettably i have been unable to join the throngs
 queuing for either of these. 

it got me thinking though - how long is too long to queue?

i'm not sure.

but i did begin to wonder if, once an artist's show becomes
 a blockbuster, perhaps their game is over.