not for myself, but instead for the products that i buy.
why does most of what we buy 'date' so quickly?
because 'most' of what we buy is not designed well.
or at least not designed 'honestly'.
look at the products shown here. you couldn't be sure when they were designed. they all look current. they all look desirable.
in fact they were designed (from top to bottom) in
1959, 1972, 1961 and 1968.
they are all designs as relevant today as they were
forty and fifty years ago.
because the designer, dieter rams, obeyed the rules which one day he would go ahead and crystallize in this form:
1 - good design is innovative
2 - good design makes a product useful
3 - good design is aesthetic
4 - good design makes a product understandable
5 - good design is unobtrusive
6 - good design is honest
7 - good design is long-lasting
8 - good design is thorough, down to the last detail
9 - good design is environmentally-friendly
10 - good design is as little design as possible
it is ignorance of one or many of these 'ten commandments' that causes today's designers to create our world today.
and we are the ones who let them get away with it.