as the oatmeal-brained portion of the world remains transfixed by goings-on at the trial of michael jackson's erstwhile 'physician' (did he do it, or did he simply let-it-happen - i'm trying to care, but i just don't), there has been a renewed frisson of interest in events surrounding the death of vincent van gogh.
it having been believed, since his death in 1890, that he took his own life (bullet to the chest), new 'evidence' suggests his death was in fact accidental at the hands of two local boys and involved a pistol with a dodgy trigger.
the claim is made in 'van gogh: the life', due to be
published tomorrow. authors steven naifeh and gregory white
smith, for whom the book is the result of a decade of research, reveal this whilst making the bold claim that such news could "rewrite art history". i hardly think so, but it is a great hook
on which to promote a new book.
to be fair though, they do have a fine pedigree having
previously published a pulitzer prize-winning biography of
jackson pollock (in 1991).
i wonder if scholars will still be debating the circumstances surrounding jacko's death when the 22nd century comes knocking
on our door.
by then, perhaps, the truth about van gogh's tendency to wear
only a single glove, and his innate ability to moon-walk may
too have been revealed.