Tuesday, November 29, 2011

...for the ideal wavelength...

if there's one thing i take seriously, it's radio.

and for radiophiles such as me there's never been
 a better time than now.

i used to have a radio in every room of the home,
 and i could move from room to room without missing a word
 or a beat. back in the day i had five national (british) networks i could tune into, together with a couple of local stations.

today there are thousands at my digital fingertips.

i've dallied with many, but always return to the bbc.

not the (international) bbc world service, you understand,
 but the real (national) bbc.

this is a secret that us brits like to keep to ourselves.
 in the same way we've known for years that the french keep the best wine for themselves and only export second-rate vintages, we've been doing the same with our radio since 1932. 

  there's a substantial difference between the output of
 the world service and the national networks.

if you're an international listener to the bbc's world service
 i heartily recommend that you find radio 4 
on the bbc's iplayer and give it a try.

but don't let anyone know who told you, otherwise that'll be my chance of a knighthood gone. and i really want one of those.